The Degrassi Circle

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Degrassi Unscripted

Marco Del Rossi~Grade 10

Reputation: Fun, outgoing, teen
Biggest Drama: Finding out he's gay
Friends:Jimmy, Ellie, Hazel, Spinner, Craig
Ex-Friends: None
Boyfriend: Dylan (recurring role)
Ex-"Girlfriend": Ellie
Quote: "I can't be who you want.."

Chris Sharpe~Grade 9

Reputation: New kid who wants to be a DJ
Biggest Drama: None
Friends: Unknown characters
Girlfriend: Emma
Ex-Girlfriend: Melinda (not a regular character)
Quote: "Just face it, you're not over him."

Spinner Mason~Grade 10

Reputation: Goofy "bully" w/ a soft side
Biggest Drama: None
Friends: Jimmy, Terri, Hazel, Craig, Ashley, Marco
Ex-Friends: None
Girlfriend: Paige
Ex-Girlfriends: None
Quote: "I'm a lover, not a fighter."

Jimmy Brooks~Grade 10

Reputation: Rich kid who's a jock
Biggest Drama: None
Friends: Spinner, Terri, Marco, Craig
Girlfriend: Hazel
Ex-Girlfriend: Ashley
Quote: "Don't talk to me, you slut."

Toby Issacs~Grade 9

Reputation: "Computer geek"
Biggest Drama: Divorced parents
Friends: JT, Emma
Ex-Friends: Manny
Girlfriend: Kendra (recurring role)
Ex-Girlfriend: None
Quote: "You stood me up for lunch, you act like I'm some big loser...what'd I ever do to you?"

Craig Manning~Grade 10

Reputation: Artsy teen with a band
Biggest Drama: Was abused by father who later died
Friends: Spinner, Jimmy, Marco, Emma
Girlfriend: None
Ex-Girlfriends: Manny, Ashley
Quote: "Yeah, well, I get around."

JT Yorke~Grade 9

Reputation: Class clown
Biggest Drama: None
Friends: Toby, Paige, Emma, Manny
Girlfriend: None
Ex-Girlfriends: None
Quote: "Could we have those in separate bags please? And...maybe your phone number?."

Sean Camereon~Grade 9

Reputation: Sensitive Rebel
Biggest Drama: Was held back a year in grade 7
Friends: His gang (not regular characters)
Ex-Friend: Jimmy
Girlfriend: Ellie
Ex-Girlfriends: Emma, Ashley (sort of)
Quote: "I don't do group activities."