"Our House"
Spinner: I'm just saying, don't fall too hard for a girl like Manny. She's got a reputation for a reason.
JT: Spinner, how would you like it if peope talked about Paige like that?
Spinner: Um, they wouldn't. Because Paige isn't a slut that goes at it with other people's boyfriends.
Ellie: (about Sean) He has a girlfriend.
Amy: What are you, some kind of blood-sucking vampire?
Ellie: Keep hitting on my boyfriend, and you'll find out.
JT: I saw you with Craig.
Manny: And...?
(JT gives her an obvious face)
Manny: He was just seeing if I was okay. (pause) What, did you think I was about to go off and have sex with him? Because
I'm that easy?
JT: Manny.
Manny: He was the one cheating on his girlfriend, okay? But no one ever talks about that, do they? (walks away)
"This Charming Man" -
Sean: Nancy Drew. Why are you following me?
Emma: I wasn't.
Sean: (opens box) They're for shop. What, did you think there was gonna be a DVD player in there?
Sean: Look, I know our break-up sucked. But that was months ago, and what I do with Jay and Amy, is none of your business.
Paige: So I failed my first test with Falcone, it could happen to anyone.
Jimmy: Ah, but it didn't. It happened to you.
Hazel: Please, she wouldn't have had any trouble with Gonzalez.
Spinner: Why? Falcone's a great instructor. I liked him.
Hazel: You're not the only one!
Paige: Hazel.
Jimmy: I get it...Falcone..is hot!
Spinner: Um, okay, Marco.
Jimmy: I'm not the one who thinks so...you're girlfriend is.
Mr. Raditch: Is there something you'd like to say, Mr. Cameron?
Sean: (turns to him) Yeah...go to hell!
"Against All Odds" -
Manny: Emma! I explained already. I didn't think you'd be back till late.
Emma: Don't you feel bad about what you did? Or feel for Ashley?
Manny: If Craig really loves her, then why does he keep coming back to me?
Emma: Keep coming back...Manny, don't tell me you -
Manny: You knew Chris had a girlfriend!
Emma: Which is why I came home!
Manny: I think you chickened out.
Emma: I made the right choice, and it's something you should think about!
Manny: You want me to make a choice? Fine. I choose to stop hanging out with you.
Emma: You don't wanna be friends...
Manny: Not with a stuck-up, prude princess.
Emma: Well good, 'cause I don't wanna be friends with the school slut.
Marco: I wasn't looking at them.
Spinner: (confused) Then...what were you looking at?
Marco: (sarcastic) The drapes, Spin, the drapes.
(Spinner is still confused)
Jimmy: He was looking at the dudes! You idiot.
Spinner: (disgusted) Oh! Oh, can we get back to work, I kind of care about my studies...
"Don't Dream It's Over" -
Paige: Hey, wanna play frisbee? I need to show Spin a thing or two.
Terri: No thanks...Rick wants to talk.
Paige: Um, you should come over tonight. You know, dish with the girls.
Terri: I'm fine Paige.
Paige: So, what, you've just forgiven 'creep-boy' for beating you up?
Terri: He apologized.
Paige: Well, of course! His type always does so they can get another shot at you!
Rick: (comes in view from behind the car) One - you have no right to dictate who Terri's friends are. Two - you're a vicious
Paige: Oh, I'M vicious?
Rick: Everything you say is a judgement. You think you're so perfect!
Paige: What? Well I'd rather be that than a psycho!
(Rick gets angry, kicks the car, and leaves)
Terri: Rick's right. I'm tired of you pushing me around, telling me what to do, I'm sick of it!
Paige: Fine. If I'm such a bad friend, go after him. Go!
Terri: Come back.
Rick: Nah, let's just walk.
Terri: It's really far.
Rick: (grabs her arm) She called me a psycho.
Terri: (pause) That's just Paige, being Paige.
Rick: (getting angry) So...that makes it okay? My feelings mean nothing to you? (grabbing both of her arms)
Terri: Woah, Rick.
Rick: Don't you dare choose Paige over me, don't you dare!
Terri: Rick, I'm g - going back, okay?
Rick: You will not! NOT LEAVE! (pushes her down)
(Terri is unconcious)
Paige: I can't believe this! None of this would have happened, if you'd let me leave Rick behind at The Dot!
Spinner: I'm not the one who told her to go off with him.
"U Got the Look" -
Paige: Sully...you're - well, you're not really his type. But I know lots of guys that with you would make an adorable couple.
Manny: Adorable? I don't wanna be adorable. Bunnies and puppies, are adorable.
Paige: Hon, if you don't wanna be cute - don't be. Just, change your image - simple as that.
Emma: How could you do that to JT?
Manny: What? I didn't do anything.
Emma: Um, no, you just broke his heart.
Manny: Emma...come on.
Emma: You're getting this huge ego!
Manny: I am not. Just because I'm dressing like -
Emma: You're dressing like an idiot. But what I really care about is how you're acting.
Manny: I'm always there for you, Emma. When you fight with Sean. When you find out your mom's pregnant...or your stupid, environmental
Emma: It's not stupid.
Manny: The one time it's not about you...you do this to me.
Emma: I'm just concerned...
Manny: 'Cause it sounds more like your jealous!
Emma: (pause) You know what? Just forget this. (walks away)
Manny: Fine. This is who I am now, Em. If you can't accept that, then don't talk to me.
"Pride 1 and 2" -
Marco: Okay, so maybe it was a mistake inviting you.
Ellie: Well, I couldn't let my "honey" come here by himself. (Marco looks at her clueless) Earlier? Spinner called me your
honey and you didn't correct him.
Marco I didn't think it was that big a deal.
Ellie: Last year, fine. But I'm not lying anymore. I'm not your girlfriend.
Paige: (hands Spinner a basket with colorful towels) Here.
Spinner: Wh - I'm not carrying that.
Paige: Why not?
Spinner: (laughs) What, do you want me to look like some homo?
(Dylan looks at him offended)
Spinner: No, not homo as in gay, homo as in...
Dylan: Milk?
Spinner: (running after Marco) What are you doing?!
Marco: Leave me alone, Spin.
Spinner: You just walked out on your date with Hazel!
Marco: I mean it Spin, please, back off!
Spinner: (pushes Marco against the wall) Why are you doing this?!
Marco: (pushes him off) You wouldn't understand!
Spinner: What, that you're a psycho? You just walked out on a date with one of Degrassi's coolest girls for your mom's pasta
sauce?! It doesn't make sense!
Marco: (sad and angry) Yes, it does!
Spinner: Oh, yeah? Then stop crying, and explain it to me because obviously I'm a moron and don't get it -
Marco: Just...because Spin -
Spinner: Because why?!
Marco: Because I'm gay...
Jimmy: Hey, Marco, sorry you can't make it tonight.
Marco: What?
Craig: Yeah, you're chillin' with Ellie, that's too bad.
(Craig and Jimmy walk away as Marco approaches Spinner)
Marco: What, so you're freezing me out with the guys now?
Spinner: Why do you wanna go anyway? It's hockey, not ballet.
Marco: DYLAN invited me.
Spinner: Yeah, that's the only reason you wanna go - your big gay crush.
Marco: No...no, you didn't tell anybody my secret, did you, Spin?
Spinner: I never asked -
Marco: Just like I never asked to be gay! And you never...asked to like Paige or...Craig never asked to like Ash -
Spinner: It's not, the same.
Marco: You're right...you get it easy.
Spinner: (pause) So...stop being gay!
Marco: Oh, right, Spin, I'm just gonna go do that.
Spinner: It's not so hard, you could try dating Hazel! For real!
(Marco shakes his head and says nothing)
Spinner: Why not?!
Marco: Even strangers know, Spin. And those guys...they knew! And they bashed me because they hate it. Just like you do...
Spinner: Well - that's brutal, but, you can't compare me to those guys.
Marco: Really? Why not?
"Rock & Roll High School" -
Craig: Those lyrics of yours, not cool.
Ashley: Typical. Self-absorbed Craig actually thinks the song's about him.
Ellie: Wow. So vain.
Craig: What's your problem? You attack me, everytime I pass you in the hall and now you're gonna perform that? (pause) Ash,
I swear, if you play those lyrics I'll -
Ashley: Have sex with more grade nines?
Mr. Simpson: Quiet down over there!
Craig: You know...if you weren't such a prude...I'd NEVER have been with Manny.
Ashley: Oh, but, I thought you loved her -
Craig: Oh, you know what, go -
Mr. Simpson: Hey, one more word and double homework!
(Craig angrily walks away)
Craig: All you care about...is making my life, a living hell.
Ashley: Do you have any idea what my life's been like for the past few months?
Craig: Please, not this again!
Ashley: I wanted to die Craig, I felt that bad!
Craig: Okay! Well -
Ashley: No. It's not okay, it'll never be okay.
Craig: Look, I'm sorry. Alright? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm SORRY! How many TIMES do I have
to say it?!
Ashley: Until you mean it. (walks away)
Craig: That rap is never leaving our garage.
Marco: That's why you need to write us some lyrics!
Craig: Marco...
Marco: Look, what do you have so far? Maybe I can help.
Craig: (pause) I don't know, it's just...ever since this whole thing with Ash and Manny, it's like, I try to write, and nothing
comes out.
Marco: (sighs) So glad I'm not into girls...
"Whisper to a Scream"
Paige: Ellie, I saw.
Ellie: I told you, I hit my arm.
Paige: Bull.
Ellie: Pardon me?
Paige: Why would you do that to yourself? Does it feel good or what? (pause) Okay, I totally get that you don't wanna talk
to me but...you need to talk to someone like Ms. Sovet...
Ellie: All I need, is for you to leave me alone like you normally do. (walks away)
Terri: Did you leave this rose? (tears the rose apart)
Toby: I don't know...did I?
Terri: Stop, talking like that, it's driving me crazy!
Hazel: (eyes a notebook Toby is holding) If that's some kind of 'Terri Scrapbook,' I'm calling the police.
Toby: Scrapbook? It's a science report.
Terri: What?
Toby: Ash told me you were psychic or something but I guess she was wrong. Because you failed...(whispers) Clarice! (walks
Terri: So, you're not my secret admirer?
Toby: Ha, you wish.
"Should I Stay or Should I Go?"
Paige: So, you sure you don't mind helping Manny and I move the equipment into the gym, Honeybee?
Spinner: Not at all, PumpkinBunny.
(Paige walks away)
Craig: I think I need an insalin shot.
Spinner: Shut up, dude...she likes it.
Craig: Spin, when you and Paige are like...in the moment...does she stop you? Or...
Spinner: Dude, what do you want, a video?
Craig: Thanks, no, more like help.
Marco: It's okay, Craig. Looks like someone's having trouble getting to first base himself.
Spinner: What would you know about getting to the homeplate, you're too busy checking out, batboy. (walks away)
Manny: (running after Craig) Craig! Wait up!
Craig: (angrily and still walking ahead of her) Not now, Manny, okay.
Manny: What happened? (stops)
Craig: (stops) I screwed up. (gets angry) Again...and AGAIN, and again -
Manny: I'm - I'm sure you didn't.
Craig: (turns around) Tell Ashley that.
Manny: (pause) You know that song, you sang today?
Craig: (pause) You heard that?
Manny: (nods) It was amazing...and if it was for me, I would be happy for months...forever (small laugh).
"Holiday 1 and 2"
Spinner: So, what's it like being a stud?
Craig: Nerve-racking.
Spinner: Nerve - you have Ashley, gorgeous, smart, like a fine champagne. And then you have Manny - cute, adorable, hot. Like
ice cream...but hot.
Manny: (practically crying) It's just...I love you, Craig. (hesitates) And I thought you felt the same way.
Craig: But I do, it's just -
Manny: Ashley, I know. And she might love you...but not as much as I do. (walks away)
Ashley: That's a...pretty bracelet. (pause) Where'd you get it?
Manny: (hesitant) Just a guy. A guy I've been dating for a while.
Ashley: Really...who?
Manny: (pause) Just a guy.
Ashley: (sees the pink bag from Craig's garage) Was it Craig?
Manny: (turns to her) Ashley, I'm sorry. He just didn't wanna say anything because...he thought you'd be upset that he was
moving on so quickly.
Ashley: Moving on...we're still together!
Craig: You told her...
Manny: No. No, I didn't.
Craig: Well...then how'd she find out?
Manny: Because you were stupid, Craig. (pause) You didn't think she'd find out about me. And...you didn't think I'd find out
about, your lies. (holds the bracelet in front of him, drops it, and walks away)
"It's Raining Men"
Spinner: Dude, it's not grade nine public-speaking. Just go up to him and say 'Dude, I like you, you like me, let's hook up.'
(Spinner sees Tom walking up and immediately hugs Dylan)
Dylan: What is this, hug the homo day?
Spinner: Just care about you man, showin' the love.
(Tom walks past them disappointed)
Dylan: Spinner! I can't believe you man!
Spinner: Um, I'm just trying to help Marco. You like him right? Then ask him out.
Dylan: I don't think he's ready.
Spinner: What's the worst that could happen?
(Dylan takes Spinner to the side of the hallway)
Dylan: Listen, I wasn't ready for my first date, okay? And it was a disaster. I just don't wanna put Marco through that.
Spinner: It won't happen.
Dylan: What do you know about being gay?
Spinner: (pause) Well, I know Marco. And I know he likes you, a lot. Just think about it.
Marco: Spin, I'm dying here - fashion crisis (spreads clothes on Spinner's bed). Do I go sporty, cowboy, vintage, or clubby?
I don't know.
Spinner: Uh, dude, maybe you didn't get the memo, but I'm straight.
Marco: Yeah, but your taste is way closer to Dylan's than mine, so help me, please?
Spinner: (gets up and walks over to the bed) Okay, it's like Straight Eye for the Gay Guy. (picks up a shiny, silver, shirt)
Okay, Enrique called - he wants his shirt back (throws it on the floor). (picks up white vintage shirt) This whole Oliver
Twist thing - (in a British accent) please Sir, don't wear this. You'll look like an idiot (throws it on the floor as well).
(picks up a western, cowboy, shirt) Um, planning on wrestling cattle tonight, dude? (gets ready to throw it on the floor)
Marco: (grabs it) Don't, throw that.