Jimmy is having trouble playing sports and doing his schoolwork on time. A big game is coming up, so he thinks he really needs
to get pumped. He notices Spinner taking his Ritalin pills, and asks if he can take one. He ends up doing so, and does do
well at the game-in terms of scoring. But he also wasn't a team player at all. He even pushed Sean, his own team member, down
to the ground. Because of this, Coach Armstrong cut Jimmy from the team.
Liberty is tired of writing the morning announcments. She wants to read them once in awhile. But Ashley refuses to give up
her job. However, after a lot of begging, Ashley hands the duty over to Liberty. Liberty got what she asked for, and didn't
succed. She wasn't a good public speaker at all. But Ashley helped her out and told her that Liberty could read the announcments
next year.