Terri tells Paige about a song-writing contest, and suggest that PMS enters. Paige thinks it's a great idea and goes along
with it. Terri suggest that Ashley should join the band again but Paige didn't like the idea. But they needed a third member,
so Paige recruited Hazel. However, it turned out that Hazel wasn't that good a singer. So Paige got so desparate that she
asked Ashley to join again. After a lot of begging from Paige, Ashley agreed to join. The next day, Ashley brought the lyrics
she had written for the song. Paige hated the lyrics and refused to use them because they were about rape. Later, Paige confessed
to Ashley that she was raped. Ashley felt horrible and changed the lyrics. But when the girls went to the song-writing contest,
Dean was in the audience. At first, Paige was pretty scared. But instead of running away, she worked up the courage to sing
the original lyrics-the ones about rape. Dean was so embarrassed and angry that he left the building. The next day, Paige
went to the school guidance counsleur to talk about her problem.
JT was making fun of Liberty for quite awhile, which was getting out of hand. Liberty got so mad that she wrote graffiti on
JT's locker. Mr. Raditch accused JT of doing it, and was about to punish him. But Liberty jumped in and told Mr. Raditch that
it was her.