The Degrassi Circle

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Season 2

Craig thinks that he's pretty happy because his dad died. This way, he'll never have to see him again. So he goes to school like there's no problem at all. But when he attends the Year-End Dance, some problems occur. Craig can't stop thinking about his dad. He can't decide whether he's happy or sad that he's gone. However, Terri helps him out by relating to his problem, since her mom died when she was little. Craig starts to feel better ends the night with a dance with Ashley.

Paige and Spinner want to win the title of King and Queen for the dance. But Jimmy wants to get revenge on Spinner for stealing his MP3 player, so he gets Hazel to enter the competition with him. However, both couples lose.

"Father Figure"

Notice that when Paige is talking to Hazel while they're decorating for the dance, she says that she got a tan at the tanning salon. But later you see her at the tanning salon with Spinner and while they're there, she goes to get a tan. Why would she get a tan twice?