The Degrassi Circle

"Tears Are Not Enough"
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Season 2

Craig is stressed about final exams, and gets even more stressed when his dad comes to see him. He asks him to meet him for dinner. Craig agrees to do so, but doesn't tell Joey. Craig's father tells him that he wants Craig to move back with him, but Craig refuses. His dad leaves dinner very angrily and Craig follows him outside. Albert (Craig's dad) gets so upset that he hits Craig again. Craig screams at his dad telling him that he never wants to see him again, and Albert drives away. The next morning, Craig tells Joey that he's been seeing his dad, and that he wants to go to Children's Aid so he never has to see Albert again. But a few minutes later, the police come and tell Joey that Craig's dad got in a car accident and died.

JT isn't doing well on his exams, so he asks Liberty for help. Liberty agrees to be his tutor on one condition-JT has to be her date at the Year-End Dance.

"Tears Are Not Enough 2"